Warner Bros has to distance themselves from David Goyer

Writer of Man of Steel

David Goyer at the Man of Steel premiere. He wrote Man of Steel

David Goyer has been consistently one of the best screenwriters in Hollywood. He wrote Blade (1998), Batman Begins (2005), Man of Steel (2013), the video game series Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010) and Black Ops II (2012), did rewrites for Godzilla (2014), and has a story credit for The Dark Knight (2008),  The Dark Knight Rises (2012), and Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016).  He is very well known in television and Hollywood. A lot of inspiring screenwriters read The Dark Trilogy Screenplays as a guide to help write and format screenplays. Warner Bros has chosen him to be the director of two major fiction adaptions to the screen: Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and Sandman by Neil Gaiman.  Despite his success and popularity in Hollywood, Goyer made some comments that can’t not be ignored by Warner Bros. They have consistently gone back to Goyer to write, direct, and produce their upcoming films.

David Goyer appeared on a prodcast called Scriptnotes. It’s a podcast that talks about the screenwriting process and very informational.  The hosts are Craig Mazin and Jon August.  Craig Mazin made some comments about She-Hulk, a marvel superheroine  comic book character.  Goyer didn’t shy away from the comments either but actually indulged them.  This is a transcript of the between Craig Mazin and David Goyer. Mary Sue transcribed the dialogue.

Craig Mazin: The real name for She-Hulk was Slut-Hulk. That was the whole point. Let’s just make this green chick with enormous boobs. And she’s Hulk strong but not Hulk massive, right? … She’s real lean, stringy…

David S. Goyer: She’s still pretty chunky. She was like Chyna from the WWE.

Mazin: The whole point of She-Hulk was just to appeal sexistly to ten-year-old boys. Worked on me.

Goyer: I have a theory about She-Hulk. Which was created by a man, right? And at the time in particular I think 95% of comic book readers were men and certainly almost all of the comic book writers were men. So the Hulk was this classic male power fantasy. It’s like, most of the people reading comic books were these people like me who were just these little kids getting the shit kicked out of them every day… And so then they created She-Huk, right? Who was still smart… I think She-Hulk is the chick that you could fuck if you were Hulk, you know what I’m saying? … She-Hulk was the extension of the male power fantasy. So it’s like if I’m going to be this geek who becomes the Hulk then let’s create a giant green porn star that only the Hulk could fuck.



She Hulk was created by Stan Lee and John Buscema

She Hulk was created by Stan Lee and John Buscema

Who is She-Hulk? She-Hulk is the cousin of Bruce Banner. Her alter ego is Jessica Walters a very successful lawyer. Stan Lee and John Buscema created the character to be independent combine her brains and brawn. Walters had a blood transfusion from Banner and the exposure of gamma rays turned her into She-Hulk. She is an idealistic lawyer, skilled fighter, and a loyal friend to many.  Her relationship life is a metaphor for real relationships between men and women.  Walters doesn’t take any shit from any men and has had trouble relationships in the past.  Superheroine characters are designed to look like Greek Goddess who display physical perfection.

Catwoman from the Arkham City video game

Catwoman from the Arkham City video game

Black Widow from the comics

Black Widow from the comics

Gamora from the movie of Guardians of the Galaxy

Gamora from the movie of Guardians of the Galaxy

Wonder Woman from Injustice God's Among Us

Wonder Woman from the video game Injustice God’s Among Us

Catwoman, Black Widow, Gamora, and Wonder Woman are superheroines that are created are created to be physical perfect. Artist create these characters this way because no fan would believe a 85 pound non muscular woman could defeat a supervillain. The only reason why these characters have such physical distinct features because they are modeled after Greek Goddesses and renaissance art. .

Athena: female warrior goddess in Greek Mythology

Athena: female warrior goddess in Greek Mythology

Warner Bros. needs to address these comments.  Many women and comic book fans have waited a long time for  Wonder Woman’s debut on the silver screen.  She is going to appear in the upcoming DC superhero movie Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice produced by Warner Bros. David Goyer wrote the first script for the movie. In December, Warner Bros had hired Chris Terrio (Argo’s academy award screenwriter) to rewrite the script and pushed the release date back to May 6th, 2016. No reason has ever been stated except “We wanted to give the filmmakers the time to complete their vision.” I have a feeling now we know why this film got pushed back. I can only assume (with no proof) that Goyer’s adaption of Wonder Woman was a bimbo.  He created her to be window dressing a pretty face and no brains.  Any comic book fan or woman can tell you that Wonder Woman is more than a pretty face. She can kick serious ass and is very intelligent. A lot of the DC superheroes look for Wonder Woman for guidance. I personally at one time thought Wonder Woman was a bland character and was compared to Superman. After I played Injustice Gods Among Us, watched the Justice League TV Show, and watched DC animated films it caused to grow to love Wonder Woman.

Warner Bros. needs to remove Goyer from the film production or Goyer needs to come out and apologize for calling a popular superheroine character “a pornstar.” Warner Bros. needs to keep Goyer’s name out of all marketing and film publicity if there is no apology because his comments alienates a section of their movie going audience. More importantly, he sounded a misogynistic pig that no one will want to hear from anytime soon. Stan Lee even weighed in on the comments.

1. When Lee, as writer, co-created She-Hulk with artist John Buscema (the character debuted in February of 1980, in Savage She-Hulk #1), he was absolutely focused on his gamma-green superheroine having brains. Lee tells The Post’s Comic Riffs this evening, in response to Goyer’s words: “I know I was looking for a new female superhero, and the idea of an intelligent Hulk-type grabbed me.”

2. So, did Lee intend for Hulk and She-Hulk to be “kissin’ cousins,” as it were — in other words, was Walters created to be Banner’s brawny, X-rated plaything? “Never for an instant did I want her as a love interest for Hulk,” Lee tells Comic Riffs tonight. “Only a nut would even think of that.”

3. Goyer insists She-Hulk was created, physically, as a “male power fantasy.” So, how about She-Hulk’s tremendous physique, Stan the Man? “As for her looking beautiful and curvy,” Lee tells Comic Riffs, “show me the superheroine who isn’t.”


Stan Lee is right most superheroine characters look the same way. However their male counterparts look very muscular and like a god also. Comic book characters are drawn a distinct way to give the audience the impression that these heroes can protect the world and us.  Superheroines are not pornstars sorry to tell you that David Goyer.

What do you think Warner Bros. should do about these comments?


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